Card Guide
Do you actually require a credit
people see credit cards as a way of buying now and paying
later. Credit cards allow you to get what you want now rather
than wait until you have saved up the required cash in your
bank account over a period of months. The savvy people amongst
us will ensure that they always pay off their credit card
balance (or a fair percentage of it) by the end of each
month, thus ensuring their interest payments are kept to
a minimum - unfortunately this is not what we all tend to
do though.
is also those of us using credit cards to buy things we
want but cannot afford, whether it's at this point in time
or even further down the line, this leaves what appears
to be a never-ending debt on their card that is hard to
way, in the current climate most of us do have a credit
card of some form, and it's becoming more difficult to live
without one. Just try making an internet purchase or buying
something over the phone without it to hand, or paid for
a meal out, a round of drinks, or even your shopping? Cash
is no longer something we all carry regularly, it seems
so much easier to simply 'put in on the card'.
cards have become a way of life for most of us, which is
why it is worthwhile keeping up to date on all the latest
deals available to ensure you are getting a good deal. There
are a variety of great offers on the market, so take some
time to familiarise yourself with them by using our credit
card comparison pages, and see which best fits your
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