can predict if or when they will have an accident,
it is by nature the most arbitrary and unforeseen
of events. A momentary lapse of concentration
such as any of us can have, or a freak event caused
by others or by circumstances completely beyond
one’s own control, can radically alter the
course of a person’s life. Loss of mobility,
or of the use of a limb, whether permanently or
temporarily, may impact drastically upon your
ability to work, to look after your family, indeed
to do any of the things that hitherto may have
been taken entirely for granted.
compensation cannot, and is not intended to, make
everything all right. But it can help negate the
difficulties caused by the circumstances in which
the victim has suddenly, and without warning,
found himself or herself.
a person suffers an accident through no fault
of their own, accident compensation will often
be payable. Such an accident could include a slip
or a trip, a head injury, a road traffic incident
or an accident at work that was sustained either
at the hands of somebody else or as a consequence
of correct procedures not having been followed