to Find the Cheapest Caterham Car Insurance Policy
When comparing Caterham car insurance it is important to look
around the market and see who it offering what. Never simply
renew your Caterham insurance quote without looking around
first - each year there are new car insurance deals, special
offers, and discounts available for you to take advantage of.
Each car insurance company is trying to secure your business,
so shop around, especially if you have a good amount of no claims
bonus. If you are a low risk and haven't claimed on your car
insurance policies in the past then you really can pick the
best of the bunch. Look for additional benefits offered by your
car insurance company for insuring your Caterham with
them, also try calling up your existing car insurance providers
to see if they can better their renewal quote. Only do this
however once you've already compared plenty of Caterham
insurance quotes and found the lowest quote that you're happy
with. Present them with this low price and see if your current
insurers are willing to match or better the quote in order to
keep your business. Some car insurance companies will match
or better other insurers quotes, however not all will. That
said, it is still certainly worth trying it as you may well
just save a few extra pounds comparing Caterham insurance
quotes this way.
Car Insurance
car insurance is normally quite inexpensive, similar to kit car
insurance they are quite specialist vehicles and the insurance
companies often take a considered view on these. Caterham insurance
is also normally lower because the chances are that you don’t
use the car for commuting, just social and pleasure, therefore
you’ll probably only be covering 3000-5000 maximum in it
per year, meaning less time of the road, so less chances of being
involved in an accident.
are huge fun to own and drive, they are one of the closest things
you can get to a road-legal go-kart. You sit very low to the ground,
the wheels far out right in the four corners, no roof, sometimes
even no windscreen on the more extreme models. Then there’s
the lack of weight – Caterhams weigh about the equivalent
of a bag of feathers, meaning even a modestly powerful engine
will give you a high power-to-weight ratio and offer acceleration
and performance similar to cars with twice or three times the
horsepower, but are a lot heavier.
downsides to a Caterham are that they can’t really be used
every day, they are quite impractical and normally have to be
a second or third car. They will need their own garage to store
them away from the wind and rain to keep them in tip-top condition,
no roof means you can only really use them in the Summer or on
dry days. No roof also means lots of wind-buffeting, which isn’t
too bad on a warm Summer’s afternoon, but at all other times
it will involve getting wrapped up to avoid the chills. The hard
suspension and go-kart like tendencies also often mean they’re
not that popular with wives and girlfriends, so weigh up all the
options to see if you can live with a Caterham before taking the
plunge. One things for certain, insurance will be the last thing
on your mind when you’re having the time of your life screaming
around on some quiet B-roads! |